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[color-box color=” customcolorpicker=” ]Regaia‘ – proper noun
A compound word comprised of ‘re’ (meaning: again or anew) and ‘gaia’ (meaning: earth). Implied meaning: New Earth.[/color-box]

[color-box color=” customcolorpicker=” ]silicone‘ – noun
A substance that remains stable over a wide range of temperatures and is used in various lubricants, adhesives and coatings.[/color-box]

[color-box color=” customcolorpicker=” ]eco-friendly‘ – adjective
Describes a product that has been designed to do the least possible damage to the environment.[/color-box]

[color-box color=” customcolorpicker=” ]coating‘ – noun
A layer of a particular substance that covers something.[/color-box]

[color-box color=” customcolorpicker=” ]top-coat/over-coat/finish‘ – noun
A final layer of paint or plaster put onto a surface over another layer.[/color-box]

[color-box color=” customcolorpicker=” ]warranty‘ – noun
A written guarantee, issued to the purchaser of an article by its manufacturer, promising to repair or replace it if necessary within a specified period of time.[/color-box]

[color-box color=” customcolorpicker=” ]quartz‘ – noun
A crystalline mineral found in rocks and used for building material.[/color-box]

[color-box color=” customcolorpicker=” ]acrylic‘ – adjective
Describes a synthetic fibre which is used in coatings and adhesives.[/color-box]

[color-box color=” customcolorpicker=” ]concrete‘ – noun
A very hard building material made by mixing together cement, sand, small stones and water.[/color-box]

[color-box color=” customcolorpicker=” ]elasotmers‘ – noun
An elastic substance that resembles rubber and is added to materials to make them more flexible.[/color-box]

[color-box color=” customcolorpicker=” ]spider cracks‘ – noun
Small connected cracks in paint or plaster.[/color-box]

[color-box color=” customcolorpicker=” ]building cracks‘ – noun
Large cracks in the concrete of buildings.[/color-box]

[color-box color=” customcolorpicker=” ]tensile‘ – adjective
Describes the ability of a substance to be flexed, stretched or extended.[/color-box]

[color-box color=” customcolorpicker=” ]aggregate‘ – noun
It is a whole or group consisting of dissimilar things.[/color-box]

[color-box color=” customcolorpicker=” ]trowel‘ – noun
A small hand-held tool with a flat pointed blade, used to apply and spread mortar or plaster.[/color-box]

[color-box color=” customcolorpicker=” ]mortar‘ – noun
A building material used for joining stones or bricks or other building blocks.[/color-box]

[color-box color=” customcolorpicker=” ]turpentine‘ – noun
A transparent oil used as a solvent.[/color-box]

[color-box color=” customcolorpicker=” ]UV‘ – (abbreviation) noun
Ultraviolet. A type of light from the sun that causes colours to fade over time in particular substances, and which can damage the substance itself.[/color-box]

[color-box color=” customcolorpicker=” ]pigmented‘ – adjective
Describes any substance which is colourised by adding pigments to it.[/color-box]

[color-box color=” customcolorpicker=”]pigment‘ – noun
A substance which gives something a particular colour when it is present in it or added to it.[/color-box]

[color-box color=” customcolorpicker=” ]plaster‘ – noun
A substance which becomes hard as it dries and is used especially for spreading on walls and ceilings in order to give a smooth or textured appearance to the surface.[/color-box]

[color-box color=” customcolorpicker=” ]primer‘ – noun, A type of coating that you put on a surface in preparation for the main coat, like paint or plaster.[/color-box]

[color-box color=” customcolorpicker=” ]QMS‘ – (abbreviation) noun
Quality Management Standards. QMS is the mark of certification by an institution which ensures the that production of certain construction materials meets international standards.[/color-box]

[color-box color=” customcolorpicker=” ]Rabbet‘ – noun
A cut or groove along or near the edge of a piece of wood that allows another piece to fit into it to form a joint.[/color-box]


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